Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Francesca D'Onofrio Stamford CT Mediation

Francesca Bambino Donofrio Stamford Mediation runs the Concord Mediation Institute CMI in Stamford CT. Incivility can easily become the norm, unless we do something about it. Francesca Bambino Donofrio Stamford CT and her teams of trainers work with students, mostly from high school to about third grade, teaching them to be peer mediators, helping other students resolve conflicts before they get out of hand. We don’t want them to grow up to be people who might yell at the president during a speech, like Congressman Joe Wilson, or snatch a microphone from a young woman’s hands, like Kanye West, but even more to the point is teaching kids to deal with other people civilly every day. Francesca Bambino Donofrio Stamford mediator states “We feel conflicts occur often because people don’t understand each other,” she said. “They get into conflicts out of ignorance.”

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