Monday, April 22, 2013

Francesca Donofrio Stamford Mediator

Francesca Donofrio Stamford Mediator informs beginners at mediation that A mediator typically oversees the mediation, and the decisions made are nonbinding until an agreement has been signed by both parties. This creates an informal atmosphere that can be used to help both parties come to an agreement without the conversations being used in court. Successful attorneys use mediation techniques for beginners, like understanding that mediation is not as intrusive as a deposition, where everything discussed is recorded by the court. The conversations that take place in mediation are off the record to promote a successful resolution. Litigation can drag on for weeks and sometimes months, which drains the resources of the court system, and mediation is set up to avoid litigation if possible.
Determining a minimum settlement in advance that will be accepted by a client will help an attorney to better serve the client during the mediation process. Typically, both sides need to compromise in order to come to agreeable terms for both parties to accept. A couple of mediation techniques for beginners include preparing the client for the compromises that could be asked of him or her and determining what items can be used as flexible negotiating tools. Predetermining the other party's interests is helpful in shaping resolution terms. If the opposing party has requests that can be met but require small changes, mediation is the place where these terms can be agreed upon.

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