Francesca Bambino Donofrio – Stamford Greenwich Mediator

Francesca Bambino Donofrio
My job is not to solve problems, but to help the people involved work it out themselves.
Being a mediator gives you the sense that you are of value, she said. “Kids can tell when you are trying to fix them. But when you say to these kids, ‘we want you to take responsibility for other people’s conflicts,’ they feel empowered.”"We help them learn to recognize how other people are feeling, and learn to control their own feelings.” You can’t mediate a conflict if you get caught up in it. “You have to remain neutral even if inside you are thinking I can’t stand this person.”
It’s good life-skills training.
One of the key successes in mediation is to realize that the conflict exists due to difference in perspective. Perspective is based on many factors. Francesca Bambino Donofrio of Stamford states “age, race, culture, life expereince, socio economic factors” are all clues to understanding perspective, out own and another’s. It is important to understand that our perspective is not the only perspective to exist. For this is the basis of self empowerment. Self empowerment cannot be measured in quantitative anlysis but is witnessed and demonstrated. During self growth as humans we become more aware of ourselves and the effects we have on others. Francesca Bambino Donofrio Stamford Mediator states that “presence is not only is a contribution in verbal capacity but in physical capacity. Our energy enters the room long before we begin to speak.” With that in mind, Francesca Bambino Donofrio always includes discussions during mediation on body language and at the CMI there are many lectures on facial muscles, movement, body language and a definition of presence.
Francesca Bambino Donofrio Stamford Mediator developed the Mediation Curriculum at Fordham University from 2006 forward and the course is still actively enrolligg students.
Francesca Bambino Donofrio established the CMI Concord Mediation Institue serving Stamford Ct and Greenwich Ct. Bambino Donofrio offers group seminars and is always welcoming the opportunity to work with you in a personal setting or on site as a conflict resolution coach and life coach.
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